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(Encyclopedia) illiteracy, inability to meet a certain minimum criterion of reading and writing skill. Throughout most of history most people have been illiterate. In feudal society, for example,…

Fathers of the Church

(Encyclopedia) Fathers of the Church, collective name for the Christian writers of early times whose work is considered generally orthodox. A convenient definition includes all such writers up to and…


(Encyclopedia) AbhidharmaAbhidharmaŭbˈĭdŭrˌmə [key] [Skt.,=higher dharma, or doctrine], schools of Buddhist philosophy. Early Buddhism analyzed experience into 5 skandhas or aggregates, and…

perversion, sexual

(Encyclopedia) perversion, sexual, in psychology, sexual behavior deemed pathological by its deviation from “normal” sexual desire. The definition of sexual perversion has shifted considerably over…


(Encyclopedia) stencil, cutout device of oiled or shellacked tough and resistant paper, thin metal, or other material used in applying paint, dye, or ink to reproduce its design or lettering upon a…


(Encyclopedia) soul, the vital, immaterial, life principle, generally conceived as existing within humans and sometimes within all living things, inanimate objects, and the universe as a whole.…


(Encyclopedia) incest, sexual relations between persons to whom marriage is prohibited by custom or law because of their close kinship. Ideas of kinship, however, vary widely from group to group,…

Mayr, Ernst

(Encyclopedia) Mayr, ErnstMayr, Ernstĕrnst mīr [key], 1904–2005, American zoologist and author, b. Kempten, Germany. He began his career in Berlin and emigrated to the United States in 1931, where,…


(Encyclopedia) Maghreb or MagribMagribboth: mäˈgrĭb [key] [Arab.,=the West], Arabic term for NW Africa. It is generally applied to all of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia but actually pertains only to…

digital circuit

(Encyclopedia) digital circuit, electronic circuit that can take on only a finite number of states. That is contrasted with analog circuits, whose voltages or other quantities vary in a continuous…