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Weather: What About the Five-Day Forecast?

What About the Five-Day Forecast?WeatherLet's See How It's DoneNow for the Real WorkGoing Into the Upper AirBring on the MachinesWhat About the Five-Day Forecast? Check out the following figure,…

Algebra: Whipping Word Problems

Whipping Word Problems Algebra Whipping Word Problems Interest Problems Area and Volume Problems Speed and Distance Problems Mixture and Combination Problems The mythological Greek gods were…

Chemistry: Pure Substances

Pure SubstancesChemistryElements, Compounds, and MixturesPure SubstancesShake It Up: MixturesColloids: Somewhere in BetweenSeparating Mixtures If you're a salesperson, you know the word "pure" is…

Chemistry: Why Do We Need Chemistry?

Why Do We Need Chemistry?ChemistryWhy Study Chemistry?Why Do We Need Chemistry?What Have I Gotten Myself Into?This Stuff Is Really Fun!Who Invented Chemistry?Succeeding Where Others Have Failed "…

Brewer's: Ostracis'm

Oyster-shelling, black-balling, or expelling. Clisthenes gave the people of Attica the power of removing from the state, without making a definite charge, any leader of the people likely…

Brewer's: Pillar to Post

Running from pillar to post—from one thing to another without any definite purpose. This is an allusion to the manege. The pillar is the centre of the riding ground, and the posts are the…

Brewer's: Binary Theory

A theory which supposes that all definite chemical salts are combinations of two radicles or elements, one of which is electro-positive (basic), and the other electro-negative (acid).…

Brewer's: Middle Ages

A term of no definite period, but varying a little with almost every nation. In France it was from Clovis to Louis XI. (481 to 1461). In England, from the Heptarchy to the accession of…