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The Definition of Love

The Definition of Love My Love is of a birth as rare As 'tis for object strange and high: It was begotten by despair Upon Impossibility. Magnanimous Despair alone. Could show me so divine…

Definition of Menorah

The Question: Your information about the menorah and hannukiah is mistaken. A hannukia has 9 branches and its ninth branch is the shamash. A menorah only has…

International Cyclone Definitions

Hurricanes, Typhoons, and More A “tropical cyclone” is the generic term for a giant whirlwind with storm activity surrounding a low-pressure center over tropical or subtropical waters. The terms “…

Definitions of Gold Terminology

The term “fineness” defines a gold content in parts per thousand. For example, a gold nugget containing 885 parts of pure gold, 100 parts of silver, and 15 parts of copper would be…

Nuclear Disaster Glossary: Terms and Definitions

Becquerel, Cesium, Hibakusha, Pressurized water reactor, and more by Catherine McNiff Below are terms and definitions frequently used in the aftermath of the nuclear disaster in Japan. A-M |…


(Encyclopedia) obscenity, in law, anything that tends to corrupt public morals by its indecency. The moral concepts that the term connotes vary from time to time and from place to place. In the…

Writing Well: You Could Look It Up: Definition

You Could Look It Up: DefinitionWriting WellYou Got Some 'Splaining to Do, Lucy: ExpositionThe Perfect Couple: Cause and EffectNeat and Tidy: Classify-DivideAlike and Different: Comparison and…


(Encyclopedia) pillar, freestanding columnar supporting member. It is a general term, little used as an exact architectural definition except as applied to an upright support in the medieval styles,…