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Financial Aid Glossary

by Kay Peterson, Ph.D., Academic Year The period in which school is in session - typically September through May. Accrual Date The date on which interest charges on an…

A Newport Man: What Does History Teach? (Part 2)

What Does History Teach? (Part 2)A Newport Man17 March 1788by A Newport ManSee also Federalist No. 18, Federalist No. 19, and Federalist No. 20…—I perceive in your last [issue a] piece signed…

February 2021 Current Events: US News

Top of Page Disaster News | Science & Technology News | World News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the US…

gay-rights movement

(Encyclopedia) gay-rights movement, organized efforts to end the criminalization of homosexuality and protect the civil rights of homosexuals. While there was some organized activity on behalf of the…

The Supreme Court: Legalizing School Vouchers

Legalizing School VouchersThe Supreme CourtEducating Our KidsPunishing StudentsTesting for DrugsDealing with Sexual HarassmentLegalizing School Vouchers The Bush Administration is a big…

2011 World News: Russia

Parliamentary Elections Spark Massive Protests by Jennie Wood Vladimir PutinRelated Links Russia Country Profile Vladimir Putin Biography 2011…