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The Supreme Court: Getting the Word Out

Getting the Word OutThe Supreme CourtElecting Our LeadersElection Machinery That WorksRemapping DistrictsPaying for CampaignsGetting the Word OutSwitching Parties Another key controversy…

Milestone Cases in Supreme Court History

Read about landmark cases that have changed history, from Marbury v. Madison to the challenge to Obamacare. 1803Marbury v. Madison was the first instance in which a law passed by Congress…


105.8 lbs (48 kg): 1. IL Kim, N.KOR def. 2. Armen Mkrchyan, ARM (5-4); 3. Alexis Vila Perdomo, CUB def. Vugar Orudzhov, RUS (5-2). 114.5 lbs (52 kg): 1. Valentin Dimitrov Jordanov, BUL def.…

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Historical BackgroundThroughout the early years of the Republic, the power of the Federal Government had continued to grow. By the second decade of the 19th century, cases pitting advocates…

Nixon v. Fitzgerald (1982)

Case SummaryA. Ernest Fitzgerald claimed that he lost his employment with the Air Force because he gave testimony before Congress that was critical of his employer. He tried to add President…

Oregon v. Mitchell (1970)

Case SummaryOregon, Texas, and Idaho brought suit in the Supreme Court against the United States and Attorney General John Mitchell to challenge the Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1970. They…

Reno v. Condon (2000)

Case SummaryThe Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994 (DPPA) prohibited States from disclosing or selling a driver's personal information without the driver's consent. Data sold by the…

Rostker v. Goldberg (1981)

Case SummaryIn 1980, Robert Goldberg challenged the U.S. draft registration policy by bringing suit against Bernard Rostker, the director of the Selective Service System. When Goldberg won in…

Tinker v. Des Moines School District (1969)

Case SummaryIn 1965, John Tinker, his sister Mary Beth, and a friend were sent home from school for wearing black armbands to protest the Vietnam War. The school had established a policy…

Watkins v. United States (1957)

Case SummaryJohn Watkins was convicted for refusing to answer questions of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) about people he believed were no longer members of the Communist…