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Swaziland Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Swaziland Index: People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Swaziland Relations PEOPLEThe majority of the…

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

Historical BackgroundIn the aftermath of Reconstruction, which ended in 1877, the Southern State governments again became-as they remained in the North-“white man's governments.“ The new…

August 2006

WorldIsrael Intensifies Ground Offensive in Lebanon (Aug. 1): More than 7,000 additional troops enter southern Lebanon. U.S. General Gives Grim Report on Iraq (Aug. 3): Gen. John Abizaid, the…

June 1998 News and Events

1998 News Month-By-MonthWorldSerbs Renew Attack on Albanian Rebels (June 1): Yugoslav President launches major campaign against separatist movement in province of Kosovo.Russian Economy…

May 1998 News and Events

1998 News Month-By-MonthWorldFormer Premier Admits to Rwanda Massacres (May 1): Jean Kambanda pleads guilty to genocide charges before U.N. tribunal. He faces life in prison.Europeans Agree…

Theories of the Universe: How Did We Get Here?

How Did We Get Here?Theories of the UniverseEvolution vs. CreationismIt's a Matter of OpinionHow Did We Get Here?And God Said … I wanted to spend some time discussing ideas about the nature of…