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Luther Martin: Luther Martin II

Luther Martin IILuther MartinFriday, March 7, 1788by Luther MartinMr. Goddard:Sir, In consequence of the justice I did Mr. Gerry, on a former occasion, I find myself complimented with an…

Maryland Farmer I

Maryland Farmer I15 February 1788by To assert that bills of rights have always originated from, or been considered as grants of the King or Prince, and that the liberties which they secure…

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court: Summaries The following are some important summaries of various Supreme Courts, leaders, decisions, and policies. The Supreme Court: Marshall Court   Marshall Court Overview…

The Voyages

Pinpointing the explorer's whereabouts on October 12, 1492 Watch this video to discover Columbus's role in the "discovery" of the the New World and his…

Ongoing Investigations

1997 News of the Nation At the end of 1996, House Speaker Newt Gingrich had been under investigation for possible ethics violations in using tax-exempt money for political purposes. A House sub-…

Virginia Plan

by James Madison On May 29, 1787, Virginia delegate Edmund Randolph proposed what became known as "The Virginia Plan." Written primarily by fellow Virginian James Madison, the plan traced the…

Deadly Questions

Study raises questions about capital punishment in the U.S. by David Johnson This article was posted on June 22, 2000. Illinois Governor George Ryan recently announced a…