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Brewer's: Froth

(Master). “A foolish gentleman” in Measure for Measure. Lord Froth. A pompous coxcomb in The Double Dealer, by Congreve. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Legree

A slave-dealer in Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Mrs, Beecher Stowe. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Leibnitz-ismLeglin-girth A B C D E F G H I J K L M N…

Brewer's: Manly

in the Plain Dealer, by Wycherly. He is violent and uncouth, but presents an excellent contrast to the hypocritical Olivia (q.v.). Mr. Manly, in The Provoked Husband, by Vanbrugh and…

Brewer's: Bulls

in Stock Exchange phraseology, means those dealers who “bull,” or try to raise the price of stock, with the view of effecting sales. A bull-account is a speculation made under the hope…

Brewer's: Ambi-dexter

properly means both hands right hands; a double dealer; a juror who takes money from both parties for his verdict; one who can use his left hand as deftly as his right. Source: Dictionary…

Brewer's: Aspasia

a courtesan. She was the most celebrated of the Greek Hetæræ, to whom Pericles attached himself. On the death of Pericles she lived with Lysicles, a cattle-dealer. The Hetæræ of Athens…

Brewer's: Rouge et Noir

(French, red and black). A game of chance; so called because of the red and black diamonds marked on the board. The dealer deals out to noir first till the sum of the pips exceeds thirty,…

impressionism, in painting

(Encyclopedia) impressionism, in painting, late-19th-century French school that was generally characterized by the attempt to depict transitory visual impressions, often painted directly from nature…


(Encyclopedia) CrassusCrassuskrăsˈəs [key], ancient Roman family, of the plebeian Licinian gens. It produced men who achieved great note in the 2d cent. and 1st cent. b.c. One of the well-known…

Van Gogh, Vincent

(Encyclopedia) Van Gogh, VincentVan Gogh, Vincentvăn gō, Dutch vĭnsĕntˈ vän khôkh [key], 1853–90, postimpressionist painter, b. the Netherlands. Van Gogh's works are perhaps better known generally…