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Saint Bartholomew's Day, massacre of

(Encyclopedia) Saint Bartholomew's Day, massacre of, murder of French Protestants, or Huguenots, that began in Paris on Aug. 24, 1572. It was preceded, on Aug. 22, by an attempt, ordered by Catherine…

Heller, Stephen

(Encyclopedia) Heller, StephenHeller, Stephenshtĕfˈən [key], 1814–88, French pianist and composer, b. Budapest. Heller toured as a piano virtuoso, ruining his health before settling in Paris in 1838…

Morton, Julius Sterling

(Encyclopedia) Morton, Julius Sterling, 1832–1902, American cabinet officer, b. Adams, N.Y. He settled (1854) in Nebraska, founded the Nebraska City News, and served (1858–61) as territorial…

Bond, Carrie Jacobs

(Encyclopedia) Bond, Carrie Jacobs, 1862–1946, American songwriter, b. Janesville, Wis. A self-taught musician, she composed about 175 songs, both words and music, gave concerts of them, and even…

Brooke, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Brooke, Henry, c.1703–1783, Irish author. Educated at Trinity College, Dublin, he studied law in London before returning to Ireland permanently. In 1735 he published his long…

Agnes, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Agnes, Saint, 4th cent., virgin martyr. A noble Roman girl martyred at the age of 13 after rejecting a well-born suitor. She was included in the Depositio Martyrum of 354. On her feast…

San Gabriel

(Encyclopedia) San GabrielSan Gabrielsăn gāˈbrēəl [key], city (1990 pop. 37,120), Los Angeles co., SW Calif.; inc. 1913. Fabric, furniture, paper products, tools, and aircraft parts are manufactured…

Steer, Philip Wilson

(Encyclopedia) Steer, Philip Wilson, 1860–1942, English landscape painter. Steer worked largely in the tradition of French impressionist painting and was considered the greatest English landscape…


(Encyclopedia) NerviiNerviinûrˈvēī [key], ancient people of Belgica, Gaul. They revolted against the Romans and were crushed by Julius Caesar (57 b.c.). Their capital was Bagacum, the present-day…

Constitution of Athens

(Encyclopedia) Constitution of Athens, treatise by Aristotle or a member of his school, written in the late 4th cent. b.c. It was lost until discovered on Egyptian papyrus in 1890. It is a history of…