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Displaying 351 - 360

Sara Teasdale: "Oh Day of Fire and Sun"

"Oh Day of Fire and Sun"Oh day of fire and sun, Pure as a naked flame, Blue sea, blue sky and dun Sands where he spoke my name;Laughter and hearts so high That the spirit flew off free,…

Walt Whitman: Of Him I Love Day and Night

Of Him I Love Day and NightOf him I love day and night I dream'd I heard he was dead, And I dream'd I went where they had buried him I love, but he was not in that place, And I dream'd I…

Walt Whitman: Election Day, November, 1884

Election Day, November, 1884If I should need to name, O Western World, your powerfulest scene and show, 'Twould not be you, Niagara—nor you, ye limitless prairies—nor your huge rifts of…

Mary Carolyn Davies: The Day before April

The Day before AprilMary Carolyn DaviesThe day before April Alone, alone, I walked in the woods And I sat on a stone.I sat on a broad stone And sang to the birds. The tune was God's making…

Lizette Woodworth Reese: That Day you came

That Day you cameLizette Woodworth ReeseSuch special sweetness was about That day God sent you here, I knew the lavender was out, And it was mid of year.Their common way the great winds…

Sandra Day O'Connor, 2005 News

associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, stunned the nation in July when she announced her retirement. O'Connor, who was the Court's first woman justice, was appointed by President…

Weather: What About the Five-Day Forecast?

What About the Five-Day Forecast?WeatherLet's See How It's DoneNow for the Real WorkGoing Into the Upper AirBring on the MachinesWhat About the Five-Day Forecast? Check out the following figure,…