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Six-Day War

(Encyclopedia) Six-Day War: see Arab-Israeli Wars.

All About Columbus Day

Columbus, his journeys and legacy, and other explorers and explorations Biographies of Famous Explorers Roald Amundsen Vasco Núnez de Balboa Ibn Batuta Richard Burton John…

Sara Teasdale: Day and Night

Day and NightIn Warsaw in Poland Half the world away, The one I love best of all Thought of me to-day;I know, for I went Winged as a bird, In the wide flowing wind His own voice I heard;…

Sara Teasdale: May Day

May DayA delicate fabric of bird song Floats in the air, The smell of wet wild earth Is everywhere.Red small leaves of the maple Are clenched like a hand, Like girls at their first…

Amy Lowell: Market Day

Market DayWhite, glittering sunlight fills the market square, Spotted and sprigged with shadows. Double rows Of bartering booths spread out their tempting shows Of globed and golden fruit…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Days

DaysDaughters of Time, the hypocritic Days, Muffled and dumb like barefoot dervishes, And marching single in an endless file, Bring diadems and fagots in their hands. To each they offer gifts…

May-Day and Other Pieces

ContentsMay-DayThe AdirondacsBrahmaNemesisFateFreedomOdeBoston HymnVoluntariesLove and ThoughtUnaBostonLettersRubiesMerlin's SongThe TestSolutionHymnNature INature IIThe Romany GirlDaysMy…