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Charles Hanson Towne: The Quiet Singer

The Quiet Singer(Ave! Francis Thompson)Charles Hanson TowneHe had been singing — but I had not heard his voice; He had been weaving lovely dreams of song, O many a morning long. But I, remote…

Sara Teasedale: Sappho II

Sappho IIOh Litis, little slave, why will you sleep? These long Egyptian noons bend down your head Bowed like the yarrow with a yellow bee. There, lift your eyes no man has ever kindled, Dark…

Brewer's: Dayspring

The dawn: the commencement of the Messiah's reign. “The dayspring from on high hath visited us.” —Luke i.78. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894DaystarDaysman A…

Brewer's: Madness

In Perthshire there are several wells and springs dedicated to St. Fillan, which are still places of pilgrimage. These wells are held to be efficacious in cases of madness. Even recently…

Brewer's: Mowis

The bridegroom of snow, who (according to American Indian tradition) wooed and won a beautiful bride; but when morning dawned, Mowis left the wigwam, and melted into the sunshine. The…

Nauru, Kiribati, and Tonga

U.N.'s Freshmen Class Fascinating facts about Nauru, Kiribati, and Tonga This article was posted on October 5, 1999. Last week, three freshmen nations were admitted to the United Nations. Nauru…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: Solution

SolutionI am the Muse who sung alway By Jove, at dawn of the first day. Star-crowned, sole-sitting, long I wrought To fire the stagnant earth with thought: On spawning slime my song prevails…