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Brewer's: Burying at Cross Roads

(See Cross-Roads.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894BusBurying A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

Brewer's: Chriss-cross Row

(row to rhyme with low). The alphabet in a horn-book, which had a cross at the beginning and end. Philosophy is all the go, And science quite the fashion; Our grandams learnt the Chriss-…

Brewer's: Criss-cross Row

(Christ-cross row). The A B C horn-book, containing the alphabet and nine digits. The most ancient of these infant-school books had the letters arranged in the form of a Latin cross, with…

Brewer's: Cross as Two Sticks

The reference is to the cross . Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Crossing the HandCross as the Tongs A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S…

Brewer's: Cross-legged Knights

indicate that the person so represented died in the Christian faith. As crusaders were supposed so to do, they were generally represented on their tombs with crossed legs. “Sometimes the…

Brewer's: St. George's Cross

in heraldry, is a Greek cross gules upon a field argent. The field is represented in the Union Jack by a narrow fimbriation. It is the distinguishing badge of the British navy. St. George…

Summer Sports: Cross-country

IAAF World Championships The 27th IAAF World Cross Country Championships held at Belfast, Ireland (Mar. 21-22)MEN12 km1. Paul Tergat, Kenya 38:28(7.46 mi)2. Patrick Ivuti, Kenya 38:32 3.…

Brewer's: Hot Cross Buns

Fosbroke says these buns were made of the dough kneaded for the host, and were marked with the cross accordingly. As the Good Friday buns are said to keep for twelve months without turning…

First to cross the Panama Canal

The Question: What boat was the first to cross the Panama Canal? The Answer: The first boat to cross the Panama Canal once it was opened was…

Caravaca de la Cruz

(Encyclopedia) Caravaca de la Cruz Caravaca de la Cruz käräväˈkä dā lä kr&oomacr;s…