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(Encyclopedia) bungalow [Indian bangla,=house], dwelling built in a style developed from that of a form of rural house in India. The original bungalow typically has one story, few rooms, and a…

Wellesley College

(Encyclopedia) Wellesley College, at Wellesley, Mass.; for women; chartered 1870, opened 1875. Long a leader in women's education, it was the first woman's college to have scientific laboratories.…

Purbeck, Isle of

(Encyclopedia) Purbeck, Isle of, peninsula, c.12 mi (20 km) long and c.8 mi (13 km) wide, Dorset, S England, between Poole Harbour and the English Channel. St. Albans Head is the most southerly point…

Coffin, Henry Sloane

(Encyclopedia) Coffin, Henry Sloane, 1877–1954, American Presbyterian clergyman, b. New York City. He was pastor of the Madison Ave. Presbyterian Church in New York City (1905–26), lecturer (1904–9…

Hoek van Holland

(Encyclopedia) Hoek van HollandHoek van Hollandh&oobreve;k vän hôlˈänt [key] or Hook of Holland, district of Rotterdam, W Netherlands, on the North Sea. It is an outer port of Rotterdam, with…

Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?

(Encyclopedia) Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?ēˈlī, lāˈmə sābăkˈthənī; āˈlē, läˈmä säbäkhˈthänē [key] or Eloi, Eloi, lama sabach-thani?Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?ēˈloi; āˈloi […

Thompson, William Boyce

(Encyclopedia) Thompson, William Boyce, 1869–1930, American financier, b. Virginia City, Mont. He operated silver and copper mines in Montana and Arizona before moving to New York City. He was (1914–…

Wind River Range

(Encyclopedia) Wind River Range, part of the Rocky Mts., W Wyo., running southeastward c.120 mi (190 km) and constituting part of the Continental Divide. Gannett Peak (13,804 ft/4,207 m) is the…

Cavell, Edith

(Encyclopedia) Cavell, EdithCavell, Edithkăvˈəl [key], 1865–1915, English nurse. When World War I broke out, she was head of the nursing staff of the Berkendael Medical Institute in Brussels. In 1915…

Plymouth Rock chicken

(Encyclopedia) Plymouth Rock chicken, one of the most popular early breeds of poultry. The Barred Plymouth Rock was a favorite farm chicken since it was both a good egg producer and also developed a…