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Poems: Gerontion

by T. S. Eliot Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleis...Gerontion Thou hast nor youth nor age But as it were an after dinner sleep Dreaming of both. Here I am, an old man in a dry…

Brewer's: Osse'o

Son of the Evening Star. When “old and ugly, broken with age, and weak with coughing,” he married Oweenee, youngest of the ten daughters of a North hunter. She loved him in spite of his…

Brewer's: Tirled

He tirlëd at the pin. He twiddled or rattled with the latch before opening the door. Guillaume di Lorris, in his Romance of the Rose (thirteenth century), says, “When persons visit a…

America's 25 Most Ozone-Polluted Cities, 2007

Ozone acts as a powerful respiratory irritant at the levels frequently found in most of the nation's urban areas during summer months. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain…

Understanding AIDS

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS, was first reported in mid-1981 in the United States; it is believed to have originated in sub-Saharan Africa. The…


(Encyclopedia) methadonemethadonemĕthˈədōnˌ, –dŏnˌ [key], synthetic narcotic similar in effect to morphine. Synthesized in Germany, it came into clinical use after World War II. It is sometimes used…