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Displaying 271 - 280

The Divine Comedy: Inferno: Canto XXVII

Inferno: Canto XXVIInferno: Canto XXVIIIInferno: Canto XXVII Already was the flame erect and quiet, To speak no more, and now departed from us With the permission of the gentle Poet…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto I

Paradiso: Canto IIParadiso: Canto I The glory of Him who moveth everything Doth penetrate the universe, and shine In one part more and in another less. Within that heaven which most…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XI

Paradiso: Canto XParadiso: Canto XIIParadiso: Canto XI O Thou insensate care of mortal men, How inconclusive are the syllogisms That make thee beat thy wings in downward flight! One…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XII

Paradiso: Canto XIParadiso: Canto XIIIParadiso: Canto XII Soon as the blessed flame had taken up The final word to give it utterance, Began the holy millstone to revolve, And in its…

The Divine Comedy: Paradiso: Canto XXVI

Paradiso: Canto XXVParadiso: Canto XXVIIParadiso: Canto XXVI While I was doubting for my vision quenched, Out of the flame refulgent that had quenched it Issued a breathing, that…

Exodus: 35

Exodus Chapter 35 1 And Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together, and said unto them, These are the words which the LORD hath commanded, that ye should…

Isaiah: 33

Isaiah Chapter 33 1 Woe to thee that spoilest, and thou wast not spoiled; and dealest treacherously, and they dealt not treacherously with thee! when thou shalt cease to spoil, thou…

Psalms: 129

Psalms Chapter 129 A Song of degrees. 1 Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth, may Israel now say: 2 Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 A. Planaria, representative of the phylum Platyhelminthes B. Internal anatomy of Planaria PlatyhelminthesPlatyhelminthesplătˌēhĕlmĭnˈthēz [key], phylum containing about 20,000…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 19, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 18, 1805August 20, 1805August 19, 1805 Monday August 19th 1805. This morning I arrose at dylight. and sent out three hunters. some of the…