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Displaying 201 - 210

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 20, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 19, 1805May 21, 1805May 20, 1805 Monday May 20th 1805 Set out at an early hour as usual, the banks being favourable and water strong we…

Brewer's: Bottom

A ship's bottom is that part which is used for freight or stowage. Goods imported in British bottoms are those which come in our own vessels. Goods imported in foreign bottoms are those…

Tyrannosaurus Sue

The prehistoric giant stands again Sue is a sensation. It's not just that she's 42 ft long and 65 million years old. She's the world's most complete, best preserved, and largest Tyrannosaurus…

Brewer's: Wig

A variation of the French perruque, Latin pilucca, our periwig cut short. In the middle of the eighteenth century we meet with thirty or forty…

Chemistry: Properties of Covalent Compounds

Properties of Covalent CompoundsChemistryGetting to Know Covalent CompoundsWhat Are Covalent Compounds?Formation of Multiple Covalent BondsProperties of Covalent CompoundsWhat's in a Name? Covalent…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 23, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 22, 1805August 24, 1805August 23, 1805 Friday August 23rd 1805. This morning I arrose very early and despatched two hunters on horseback…


(Encyclopedia) silk, fine, horny, translucent, yellowish fiber produced by the silkworm in making its cocoon and covered with sericin, a protein. Many varieties of silk-spinning worms and insects are…