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Displaying 151 - 160

Brewer's: Friar Tuck

Chaplain and steward of Robin Hood. Introduced by Sir Walter Scott in Ivanhoe. He is a pudgy, paunchy, humorous, self-indulgent, and combative clerical Falstaff. His costume consisted of a…

Brewer's: Old Man of the Moon

(The). The Chinese deity who links in wedlock predestined couples. (See Man In The Moon.) “The Chinese have a firm belief in marriages being made in heaven. A certain deity, whom they call…

Brewer's: Hair stand on End

Indicative of intense mental distress and astonishment. Dr. Andrews, of Beresford chapel, Walworth, who attended Probert under sentence of death, says: “When the executioner put the cords…

Brewer's: Truss his Points

(To). To tie the points of hose. The points were the cords pointed with metal, like shoe-laces, attached to doublets and hose; being very numerous, some second person was required to “…

Brewer's: Two Strings to his Bow

(He has). He is provided against contingencies; if one business or adventure should fail, he has another in reserve; two sweethearts; two devices, etc. Latin: “Duabus anchoris nititur” (i…

Brewer's: Cockles of the Heart

“To warm the cockles of one's heart, ” said of good wine. (Latin, cochleae cordis, the ventricles of the heart.) “Fibræ quidem rectis hisce exterioribus in dextro ventriculo proxime…

Brewer's: Almond Tree

Grey hairs. The Preacher thus describes old age: “In the day when the keepers of the house (the hands) shall tremble, and the strong men (the legs) bow themselves, and the grinders (the…

Brewer's: Passion Flower

The leaf symbolises the spear. The five anthers, the five wounds. The tendrils, the cords or whips. The column of the ovary, the pillar of the cross. The stamens, the hammers. The…

Hosea: 11

Hosea Chapter 11 1 When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt. 2 As they called them, so they went from them: they sacrificed unto Baalim, and…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: April 2, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark April 1, 1806April 3, 1806April 2, 1806 Wednesday April 2ed 1806. This morning we came to a resolution to remain at our present encampment or…