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Rosse, William Parsons, 3d earl of

(Encyclopedia) Rosse, William Parsons, 3d earl ofRosse, William Parsons, 3d earl ofrôs [key], 1800–1867, British astronomer and constructor of telescopes. He served as member of Parliament for King's…

Rickover, Hyman George

(Encyclopedia) Rickover, Hyman George, 1900–1986, American admiral, b. Russia. In World War II he served as head of the electrical section of the navy's Bureau of Ships. After the war he was assigned…

Rochester, town, England

(Encyclopedia) Rochester, town, SE England, on the Medway River, chief town of the borough of Medway, which also includes Chatham and Gillingham. Cement, heavy machinery, electronic equipment,…


(Encyclopedia) SihanoukvilleSihanoukvillesēˈən&oobreve;kˌvĭlˌ [key] or Kompong SomSihanoukvillekämˈpôngˈ sôm [key], city and seaport (1994 est. pop. 75,000), Sihanoukville prov., S Cambodia, on…

Sócrates Carvalho Pinto de Sousa, José

(Encyclopedia) Sócrates Carvalho Pinto de Sousa, José, 1957–, Portuguese political leader, prime minister of Portugal (2005–11). b. Porto. A member of the center-left Socialist party since 1981, he…

Basov, Nikolai Gennadiyevich

(Encyclopedia) Basov, Nikolai GennadiyevichBasov, Nikolai Gennadiyevichnyĭkəlīˈ gĕnäˈdēyĕˌvĭch bäˈsəf [key], 1922–2001, Russian physicist and educator, b. Usman. He worked with A. M. Prokhorov to…


(Encyclopedia) shoring, placing of props or braces, called shores, against or beneath a structure for support. Shoring is often used to stabilize a building when it is to undergo structural…


(Encyclopedia) ShenzhenShenzhenshĕnˈjŭnˈ [key], city (1994 est. pop. 695,600) and port, S Guangdong prov., China, on the South China Sea, N of Hong Kong. Designated a special economic zone in 1979…

Santos-Dumont, Alberto

(Encyclopedia) Santos-Dumont, AlbertoSantos-Dumont, Albertoälbĕrˈt&oobreve; sänˈt&oobreve;zh-dümôNˈ [key], 1873–1932, Brazilian aeronaut. The son of a wealthy coffee grower, he was a…


(Encyclopedia) Seaside. 1 City (1990 pop. 38,901), Monterey co., W Calif., on Monterey Bay, in a fruit region; founded 1887, inc. 1954. Its economy is based largely upon tourism. California State…