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(Encyclopedia) denture, artificial replacement for natural teeth and surrounding tissue. Dentures are classified as partial or complete. The former are removable and maintained by clasps, or are…

Eckener, Hugo

(Encyclopedia) Eckener, Hugo, 1868–1954, German airship designer and pilot, Ph.D. Univ. of Leipzig, 1892. As a journalist he covered early flights of Zeppelin's first rigid airships. He joined (1908…

Kresge Foundation

(Encyclopedia) Kresge FoundationKresge Foundationkrĕsˈkē [key], fund established (1924) by retail chain store owner Sebastian S. Kresge (1867–1966) as a broad-purpose philanthropic institution. The…

La Mettrie, Julien Offray de

(Encyclopedia) La Mettrie, Julien Offray deLa Mettrie, Julien Offray dezhülyăNˈ ôfrāˈ də lä mĕtrēˈ [key], 1709–51, French physician and philosopher. On the basis of personal observation he claimed…


(Encyclopedia) KarunKarunkär&oomacr;nˈ [key], river, c.450 mi (720 km) long, rising in the Zagros Mts., W Iran, and flowing S to the Shatt al Arab on the Iraqi border. The Karun is navigable to…

Arnolfo di Cambio

(Encyclopedia) Arnolfo di CambioArnolfo di Cambioärnôlˈfō dē kämˈbyō [key], b. c.1245, d. before 1310, Italian architect and sculptor. He was Nicola Pisano's chief assistant on the Siena pulpit, but…


(Encyclopedia) Fontana, city (2020 pop. 208,393), San Bernardino co., S Calif., at the foot of the San Bernardino Mts.; inc. 1952. Fabricated metal…

Montes, Ismael

(Encyclopedia) Montes, IsmaelMontes, Ismaelēsmäēlˈ mōnˈtās [key], 1861–1933, Bolivian statesman, president of Bolivia (1904–9, 1913–17). He interrupted the study of law in 1879 to fight against Chile…


(Encyclopedia) brocadebrocadebrōkādˈ [key], fabric, originally silk, generally reputed to have been developed to a high state of perfection in the 16th and 17th cent. in France, Italy, and Spain. In…


(Encyclopedia) caravelcaravelkărˈəvĕlˌ [key] or carvelcarvelkärˈvəl [key], three-masted sailing vessel, generally square-rigged with the aftermast lateen-rigged. It had a roundish hull with a high…