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(Encyclopedia) Dubai Dubai d&oomacr;bīˈ [key], sheikhdom (2021 pop. 2,921,376), c.1,500 sq mi (3,890 sq km), part…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Arches arch, the spanning of a wall opening by means of separate units (such as bricks or stone blocks) assembled into an upward curve that maintains its shape and stability…

computer terminal

(Encyclopedia) computer terminal, a device that enables a computer to receive or deliver data. Computer terminals vary greatly depending on the format of the data they handle. For example, a simple…

Coke, Sir Edward

(Encyclopedia) Coke, Sir EdwardCoke, Sir Edwardk&oobreve;k [key], 1552–1634, English jurist, one of the most eminent in the history of English law. He entered Parliament in 1589 and rose rapidly…

Golden Bull

(Encyclopedia) Golden Bull, term translated from the Latin bulla aurea and generally referring to a bull (edict) with a golden seal. Golden bulls were promulgated by medieval Byzantine rulers and by…


(Encyclopedia) hell, in Western monotheistic religions, eternal abode of souls damned by the judgment of God. The souls in hell are deprived forever of the sight of God. The punishment of hell is…

Belasco, David

(Encyclopedia) Belasco, DavidBelasco, Davidbəlăsˈkō [key], 1853–1931, American theatrical manager and producer, b. San Francisco. He was actively connected with the theater from his youth, and while…

Undset, Sigrid

(Encyclopedia) Undset, SigridUndset, Sigridsĭˈgrĭd &oobreve;nˈsĕt [key], 1882–1949, Norwegian novelist. Poverty forced Undset to do secretarial work for a time (1898–1908). Her early novels of…

Powell, Anthony

(Encyclopedia) Powell, AnthonyPowell, Anthonypōˈəl [key], 1905–2000, English novelist, grad. Eton and Baillol College, Oxford. A distinguished writer of social comedy, he is best known for his 12-…

Ballard, Robert Duane

(Encyclopedia) Ballard, Robert DuaneBallard, Robert Duanebălˈərd [key], 1942–, American marine geologist, b. Wichita, Kans.; Ph.D. Univ. of Rhode Island, 1974. From 1969 to 1997 he was associated…