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(Encyclopedia) bassoonbassoonbăs&oomacr;nˈ [key], double-reed woodwind instrument that plays in the bass and tenor registers. Its 8-ft (2.4-m) conical tube is bent double, the instrument thus…


(Encyclopedia) Ames, city (2020 pop. 66,427), Story co., central Iowa, on the Skunk River; inc. 1870. Its chief manufactures are electronic, water-analysis, and water-treatment equipment…


(Encyclopedia) Chichibu Chichibu chēˈchēb&oomacr; [key], city, Saitama prefecture, central Japan, on the Ara River…

Dollond, John

(Encyclopedia) Dollond, JohnDollond, Johndŏlˈənd [key], 1706–61, English optician and inventor. A silk weaver, he taught himself languages, mathematics, and science, becoming a noted scholar as well…


(Encyclopedia) ArchilochusArchilochusärkĭlˈəkəs [key], fl. c.700 or c.650 b.c., Greek poet, b. Paros. As an innovator in the use and construction of the personal lyric, his language was intense and…

Van Horne, Sir William Cornelius

(Encyclopedia) Van Horne, Sir William Cornelius, 1843–1915, president (1888–99) and chairman of the board (1899–1915) of the Canadian Pacific Railway, b. Illinois. He worked on U.S. railways before…

Zaysan, Lake

(Encyclopedia) Zaysan, LakeZaysan, Lakezīsänˈ [key], freshwater lake, c.700 sq mi (1,810 sq km), SE Kazakhstan, in the Altai Mts. It is crossed by the Irtysh River. It abounds in fish. The lake has…

Quonset Point

(Encyclopedia) Quonset PointQuonset Pointkwŏnˈsĭt [key], peninsula extending into Narragansett Bay, S R.I., in the town of North Kingstown. In World War II the peninsula became the site of a naval…

Nicholson, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Nicholson, Samuel, 1743–1811, American naval officer, b. Maryland. The brother of James Nicholson, he served in the Continental navy during the American Revolution, making many…

Odebrecht corruption scandal

(Encyclopedia) Odebrecht corruption scandal, series of graft scandals involving the Odebrecht (now Novonor), a Brazilian construction and petrochemicals conglomerate, as well as Petrobras, the…