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Vicuña Mackenna, Benjamin

(Encyclopedia) Vicuña Mackenna, BenjaminVicuña Mackenna, Benjaminbānhämēnˈ vēk&oomacr;ˈnyä mäkāˈnä [key], 1831–86, Chilean historian and journalist. A vigorous opponent of the conservative…


(Encyclopedia) HerodotusHerodotushērŏdˈətəs [key], 484?–425? b.c., Greek historian, called the Father of History, b. Halicarnassus, Asia Minor. Only scant knowledge of his life can be gleaned from…

Bogardus, James

(Encyclopedia) Bogardus, JamesBogardus, Jamesbōgärˈdəs [key], 1800–1874, American architect, b. Catskill, N.Y. Among the first to use cast iron in the construction of building facades, Bogardus was…

cross-laminated timber

(Encyclopedia) cross-laminated timber (CLT), manufactured wood panels that consist of layers of boards glued together under pressure with the grain of the boards in one layer running perpendicular to…


(Encyclopedia) Ausonius (Decimus Magnus Ausonius)Ausoniusôsōˈnēəs [key], c.310–c.395, Latin poet and man of letters, b. Bordeaux. He tutored Gratian, who, when he ascended the throne, made Ausonius…

Charlevoix, Pierre François Xavier de

(Encyclopedia) Charlevoix, Pierre François Xavier deCharlevoix, Pierre François Xavier depyĕr fräNswäˈ zävyāˈ də shärləvwäˈ [key], 1682–1761, French Jesuit traveler and historian. He taught at the…

Domenico Veneziano

(Encyclopedia) Domenico VenezianoDomenico Venezianodōmāˈnēkō vānātsyäˈnō [key], c.1400–1461, Italian painter. His origin is unknown, although his name suggests that he came from Venice. His art, with…

Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey Newbold

(Encyclopedia) Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey Newbold, 1919–2004, British electrical engineer. A radar expert for the Royal Air Force during World War II, in the 1950s Hounsfield began developing computer…

Altdorfer, Albrecht

(Encyclopedia) Altdorfer, AlbrechtAltdorfer, Albrechtälˈbrĕkht ältdôrˈfər [key], 1480–1538, German painter and engraver. He served as city architect of Regensburg, where much of his life was spent.…

Fitzhugh, George

(Encyclopedia) Fitzhugh, George, 1806–81, American author and editor, b. Prince William co., Va. Although he had little formal education he was admitted to the bar, but he devoted little time to the…