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1980–1981 Obie Awards

Best New American PlayDavid Henry Hwang, FOBBest ProductionEmily Mann, Still LifePlaywritingCharles Fuller, Zooman and the SignAmlin Gray, How I Got That StoryLen Jenkin, Limbo…

Led Zeppelin Biography

Led Zeppelinrock group Although critics panned them as “derivative,” Led Zeppelin became one of the most successful rock bands during the 1970s. Known as one of the best live-performance…

Brewer's: Dutch Comfort

`Tis a comfort it was no worse. The comfort derivable from the consideration that how bad soever the evil which has befallen you, a worse evil is at least conceivable. Source: Dictionary…

Brewer's: Concerto

(Italian). A composition intended to display the powers of some particular instrument, with orchestral accompaniments. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

George Harrison 2001 Deaths

George HarrisonAge: 58musician lead guitarist for the Beatles, Harrison died in Los Angeles after a long battle with cancer. “He left this world as he lived in it, conscious of God, fearless…

Brewer's: Caucus

A meeting of citizens in America to agree upon what members they intend to support, and to concert measures for carrying out their political wishes. The word arose from the caulkers of…

Brewer's: Dutch Courage

The courage excited by drink; pot valour. “In the Dutch wars (in the time of Charles II.), ...the captain of the Hollander man-of-war, when about to engage with our ships, usually set ...…

Brewer's: Conan

The Thersites of “Fingal;” brave even to rashness. Blow for blow or claw for claw, as Conan said. Conan made a vow never to take a blow without returning it; when he descended into the…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 10

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 9Federalist No. 11Federalist No. 10 The Same Subject Continued (The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and…