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The Devil's Dictionary: Valor

by Ambrose Bierce VANITYVALOR -n. A soldierly compound of vanity, duty and the gambler's hope. "Why have you halted?" roared the commander of a division and Chickamauga, who had ordered a…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: March 3, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark March 2, 1806March 4, 1806March 3, 1806 Monday March 3rd 1806. Two of our perogues have been lately injured very much in consequence of the tide…

The Devil's Dictionary: Hippogriff

by Ambrose Bierce HIBERNATEHISTORIANHIPPOGRIFF -n. An animal (now extinct) which was half horse and half griffin. The griffin was itself a compound creature, half lion and half eagle. The…

Video Archive

KIDSPIRATION VIDEOS A variety of interesting subjects—kids interviewing professional experts about their unique jobs!     ANIMAL SENSES   Bear and Chipmunk: Hibernation Bulldog…

The Devil's Dictionary: Monosyllabic

by Ambrose Bierce MONKEYMONSIGNORMONOSYLLABIC -adj. Composed of words of one syllable, for literary babes who never tire of testifying their delight in the vapid compound by appropriate…

The Longest English Word

The Question: What is the longest word in your dictionary? The Answer: The longest word in the Infoplease Dictionary is…

Henry Brown 2001 Deaths

Henry BrownAge: 93 chemist who discovered that sulfurous organic compounds served as brightening agents to help chrome retain its shininess.Died: Palo Alto, Calif., March 15, 2001 Caro…

Mars Science Laboratory (U.S.)

Destination: Mars. Launch: Fall 2009. Arrival: Oct. 2010. Mission: To continue exploration of Martian rocks and soil using a heavier and longer rover vehicle. The rover will have a laser…

Parts of Speech: Adjectives: Happy Little Clouds

Adjectives: Happy Little CloudsParts of SpeechGrammarNouns: Prime-Time PlayersVerbs: All the Right MovesConjunctions: The Ties That BindPrepositions: Good Things Come in Small PackagesAdjectives:…