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The Iliad of Homer: Footnotes

Appendix 1 Footnotes Vultures: Pope is more accurate than the poet he translates, for Homer writes "a prey to dogs and to all kinds of birds. But all kinds of birds are not carnivorous…


Concluding Note. Footnotes Vultures: Pope is more accurate than the poet he translates, for Homer writes "a prey to dogs and to all kinds of birds. But all kinds of birds are not…

John DeWitt I

John DeWitt I22 October 1787by John DeWittTo the Free Citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.Whoever attentively examines the history of America, and compares it with that of other…

A Newport Man: What Does History Teach? (Part 2)

What Does History Teach? (Part 2)A Newport Man17 March 1788by A Newport ManSee also Federalist No. 18, Federalist No. 19, and Federalist No. 20…—I perceive in your last [issue a] piece signed…

Federalist No. 45

No 44 No 46 The Alleged Danger From the Powers of the Union to the State Governments Considered For the Independent Fournal.Madison To the People of the State of New…

The Federalist Papers: Federalist No. 45

by AlexanderHamilton, JamesMadison and JohnJayFederalist No. 44Federalist No. 46Federalist No. 45 The Alleged Danger From the Powers of the Union to the State Governments Considered To…

African Americans by the Numbers

From the U.S. Census Bureau Find information on African-American populations, veterans, business-owners, incomes, home-owners, and more, in honor of Black History Month. Source: U.S. Census Bureau…

National Family Literacy Day

Turn off your TV, pick up a good book In a 1994 study, only 21% of the adult U.S. population had basic reading and writing skills. Now that you've gorged your sweet tooth with Halloween treats…

British Royalty History: Royal Wedding 2011

Royal Wedding 2011 Find all the information you need for the big day from who's invited to who's not, the ceremony, the carriage route, and the after party. Check out a history royal…