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Displaying 461 - 470

Brewer's: Brick

A regular brick. A jolly good fellow. (Compare tetragwnoz anhr; “square”; and “four-square to all the winds that blow.”) “A fellow like nobody else, and, in fine, a brick.” —George Eliot:…

Brewer's: Banbury

A Banbury-man—i.e. a Puritan (Ben Jonson); a bigot. From the reign of Elizabeth to that of Charles II. Banbury was noted for its number of Puritans and its religious “zeal.” As thin as…

Brewer's: Fun

To make fun of. To make a butt of; to ridicule; to play pranks on one. (Compare Irish fonn, delight.) Like fun. Thoroughly, energetically, with delight. On'y look at the dimmercrats, see…

Brewer's: Name

What's in a name? That which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet. Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, ii. 2. To take God's name in vain. To use it profanely, thoughtlessly…

Brewer's: Hatches

Put on the hatches. Figuratively, shut the door. (Anglo-Saxon, hæc a gate. Compare haca, a bar or bolt.) Under hatches. Dead and buried. The hatches of a ship are the coverings over the…

Brewer's: Havock

A military cry to general massacre without quarter. This cry was forbidden in the ninth year of Richard II. on pain of death. Probably it was originally used in hunting wild beasts, such…

Brewer's: Houri

(pl. Houris). The large blackeyed damsels of Paradise, possessed of perpetual youth and beauty, whose virginity is renewable at pleasure. Every believer will have seventy-two of these…

Brewer's: Hub

The nave of a wheel; a boss; also a skid. (Welsh, hob, a swelling, a protuberance; compare also a hwb.) The Americans call Boston, Massachusetts, “The hub [boss] of the solar system.” “…