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Christina Rossetti: Paradise: in a Dream

Paradise: in a Dream1865Once in a dream I saw the flowers That bud and bloom in Paradise; More fair they are than waking eyes Have seen in all this world of ours. And faint the perfume-…

Chemistry: Dilutions

DilutionsChemistrySolutionsWhat Are Solutions?How and Why Do Things Dissolve?Determining the Concentration of a SolutionFactors That Affect SolubilityDilutions Let's say that I want to make as…

Chemistry: Percent Composition

Percent CompositionChemistryThe MoleWhat's a Mole?Molar MassConverting Between Moles, Molecules, and GramsPercent Composition Sometimes, it's handy to figure out how much of an element is present…

Writing Well: Writing Across the Curriculum

Writing Across the CurriculumWriting WellWriting Across the CurriculumDifferent Strokes for Different FolksPlaying with the Big KidsFull CreditTwo's Company, Three's a Crowd— Unless You're Writing “…

Science Projects Take a Quantum Leap

Science Projects Take a Quantum Leap If you think it's all about dissecting frogs, you'd better read this by Borgna Brunner Related Links What Makes A Good Science Project?Science Project…

One Small Step

Edward Ball with his distant cousin Carolyn Smalls Goodson, a descendant of Ball slaves.In the course of his research, Ball attempted to calculate the number of descendants of Ball slaves…

The Wage Gap in Pro Sports: A League Of Their Own

by John Gettings A league like the WNBA is an opportunity to pull in fans who may be turned off by the overhyped and overpaid male-dominated sports world. No two professional sports organizations…

Negro League Baseball

History and key players in baseball's gone—but not forgotten—league Have you ever heard of Oscar Charleston? He's recognized by some as one of the most talented baseball players of all time. His…