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World's Most Expensive Cities, 2012

The data in this table reflects a survey measuring the comparative cost of over 200 items in each location, including housing, transportation, food, clothing, household goods, and…

Oscars Trivia, Quizzes, and More, 2014

          Test your Oscar knowledge with our quizzes and crossword. Learn more about the history of the Academy Awards with our trivia and features. And the Answer Is...   The Resurgence…

Poem: Transcriber's Note

Preface 1 Transcriber's Note As is well documented, Emily Dickinson's poems were edited in these early editions by her friends, better to fit the conventions of the times. In particular,…

John Donne: The Sun Rising

The Sun Rising Busy old fool, unruly Sun, Why dost thou thus, Through windows, and through curtains, call on us? Must to thy motions lovers' seasons run?…

Poem by the Bridge at Ten-Shin

Poem by the Bridge at Ten-ShinMarch has come to the bridge head, Peach boughs and apricot boughs hang over a thousand gates, At morning there are flowers to cut the heart, And evening drives…

100 Years Young

Centenarians have the last word According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 37,306 centenarians in 1990. As advancements in technology and medical research have skyrocketed, so have life…

Body Fat

Research suggests that the location of body fat also is an important factor in health risks for adults. Excess fat in the abdomen (stomach area) is a greater health risk than excess fat in the hips…

Winter Indoor Comfort and Relative Humidity

Effects of Dry Air on the BodyApparent Temperature for Values of Room Temperature and Relative Humidity Compared to summer when the moisture content of the air (relative humidity) is an…