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Compare Decimals

In this video, the kids learn how to compare different decimal values.

Comparing Country Statistics

The Question: What is the life expectancy in Libya and other North African countries? The Answer: We found the perfect site for researching…

Comparing Different Funds

Once you identify the types of funds that interest you, it is time to look at particular funds in those categories.Past Performance A fund's past performance is not as important as you might…

Compare Groups to 10

In this video, students can explore comparing groups of objects and numbers using a 10-frame.

Nepos, Cornelius

(Encyclopedia) Nepos, CorneliusNepos, Corneliusnēˈpŏs [key], c.100 b.c.–c.25 b.c., Roman historian. He was an intimate friend of Pomponius Atticus, Cicero, and Catullus. His only extant work is a…

Comparing Your Salary To Others

The Question: I'd like to compare my salary to the national average in my field. Where can I do that? The Answer: We have a table with the median weekly earnings…

Comparing 2D and 3D Shapes

In this video, Jackson learns to identify and label basic three-dimensional geometric shapes (cube, sphere, cone, cylinder) and compare them to flat geometric shapes.

Sample Essays: Compare and Contrast

Note: The following essays were not edited by EssayEdge Editors. They appear as they were initially reviewed by admissions officers. SAMPLE ESSAY: Columbia, Athlete and Musician (sailing and…