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(Encyclopedia) Woodbury. 1 Residential city (1990 pop. 10,904), seat of Gloucester co., SW N.J., in the Philadelphia–Camden metropolitan area; settled 1683, inc. as a city 1871. It is a trade and…

Björling, Jussi

(Encyclopedia) Björling, JussiBjörling, Jussiy&oomacr;sˈsĭ byörˈlĭng [key], 1911–60, Swedish tenor. He studied at the Royal Opera School in Stockholm, making his debut there in 1930 as Don…

Welby, Justin Portal

(Encyclopedia) Welby, Justin Portal, 1956–, archbishop of Canterbury (2013–), b. London, grad. Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A., 1978). An oil executive until 1989, he studied theology at St. John's…

American International Group

(Encyclopedia) American International Group (AIG), American multinational insurance corporation whose potential bankruptcy in 2008 led to the largest federal bailout of a private company. AIG was…


(Encyclopedia) AgnelliAgnelliän-yĕlˈlē [key], family of Italian industrialists. Giovanni Agnelli, 1866–1945, served as a cavalry officer until 1892. One of the founders (1899) of Fiat (Fabbrica…

Royal Shakespeare Company

(Encyclopedia) Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), a British repertory theater. The company, established in 1960, was based on the earlier Shakespeare Memorial Theatre at Stratford-upon-Avon. It is a…

Schröder, Friedrich Ludwig

(Encyclopedia) Schröder, Friedrich LudwigSchröder, Friedrich Ludwigfrēˈdrĭkh l&oomacr;tˈvĭkh shröˈdər [key], 1744–1816, German actor, manager, and dramatist. He introduced Shakespeare in Germany…

Sandys, Sir Edwin

(Encyclopedia) Sandys, Sir Edwin, 1561–1629, English statesman, leading promoter of the colony in Virginia; son of Archbishop Edwin Sandys. He studied law and was first returned to Parliament in 1586…

Killigrew, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Killigrew, ThomasKilligrew, Thomaskĭlˈəgr&oomacr;ˌ [key], 1612–83, English dramatist and theater manager, b. London. Before the closing of the theaters by the Puritans in 1642, he…

enterprise zone

(Encyclopedia) enterprise zone, designated geographical district in which resident businesses are legally entitled to receive special benefits from a government, established in economically depressed…