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Brewer's: Carriage Company

Persons who keep their private carriage “Seeing a great deal of carriage company” —Thackeray. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894CarriagesCarpocratians A B C…

Brewer's: White Company

(The). “Le Blanche Compagnie. ” A band of French cutthroats organised by Bertrand du Guesclin and led against Pedro the Cruel. “Se faisoient…

U.S. Opera Companies

American Musical Theatre of San Jose: Stewart Slater, pres.1717 Technology DriveSan Jose, Calif. 95110–1305(408) 453–7100Arizona Opera Company: Joel Revzen, art. dir.3501 N. Mountain Ave.…

Karle Wilson Baker: Good Company

Good CompanyKarle Wilson BakerTo-day I have grown taller from walking with the trees, The seven sister-poplars who go softly in a line; And I think my heart is whiter for its parley with a…

Geometry: Two's Company, Three's a Triangle

Two's Company, Three's a TriangleGeometryTwo's Company, Three's a TriangleA Formal IntroductionSize Matters, So Let's Measure As long as there are three of anything, there will be triangles. You…

Federal Communications Commission

(Encyclopedia) Federal Communications Commission (FCC), independent executive agency of the U.S. government established in 1934 to regulate interstate and foreign communications in the public…

Yazoo land fraud

(Encyclopedia) Yazoo land fraud, name given to the sale in 1795 by an act of the Georgia legislature of vast holdings in the Yazoo River country to four land companies following the wholesale bribery…