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Company Time

Tournament Tips Take a chance on a No. 12 seed. At least one No. 12 seed has upset a No. 5 seed in the first round of every tournament in the last ten years. Don't take a chance on a No. 16 seed…

In the Company of Men

Columbia TriStar; rental pricingFeature; RDirector: Nick LaButeCast: Aaron Eckhart, Matt Malloy and Stacy Edwards Stood up on Friday night? Just been dumped? The perfect pick for gals who are…

Research the Company

Some 1,700 U.S. companies sell life insurance. Make sure you choose a company in sound financial shape and licensed in your state. Contact your state's insurance department. A number of…

livery companies

(Encyclopedia) livery companies, London trade guilds incorporated by royal charter, deriving their name from the assumption of distinctive dress (livery) by their members. Edward III granted the…

chartered companies

(Encyclopedia) chartered companies, associations for foreign trade, exploration, and colonization that came into existence with the formation of the European nation states and their overseas…

In the Company of St. Patrick

Ten major Irish saints St. Patrick Related Links Christian Saints Patron Saints Index Ireland Canonization Saint Patrick's Day Quiz: Irish Literature and Folklore…

Brewer's: Carriage Company

Persons who keep their private carriage “Seeing a great deal of carriage company” —Thackeray. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894CarriagesCarpocratians A B C…

Brewer's: John Company

Colonel Harold Malet, in Notes and Queries, August 6th, 1892, p. 116, says that “John” is a perversion of “Hon.,” and John Company is the Hon. Company. No doubt Hon., like Hans, may be…

Brewer's: Keep Company with

(To). To associate with someone of another sex with a view of marriage. The phrase is almost confined to household servants and persons of a similar status. Source: Dictionary of Phrase…