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Brewer's: Save the Mark

In archery when an archer shot well it was customary to cry out “God save the mark!” —i.e. prevent anyone coming after to hit the same mark and displace my arrow. Ironically it is said to…

The Worm Turns

The Worm TurnsTwo very superior bicycles went twinkling up the road to Plumfield one September afternoon, bearing two brown and dusty riders evidently returning from a successful run, for…

Entertainment News from October 2000

4The premiere of the sophomore season of The West Wing lands record ratings, with an estimated 25 million viewers tuning in to the Emmy-winning drama. 6Oscar-nominated actor Richard…

Mickey Mouse Timeline

The life of the world's favorite mouse by Holly Hartman 1920s 1930s 1940-1978 1983-2001 1928 Walt Disney dreams up Mickey on a cross-country train trip. The little mouse makes his film debut…

Homework Helper Fun Facts: Social Studies

Social Studies World Facts How Big is Each Country? Biggest, Smallest, Richest, Poorest Countries World Population World's Most Populous Countries World's Most Populous Cities…

Brewer's: Lie

(Anglo-Saxon, lige, a falsehood.) Father of lies. Satan (John viii. 44). The greatest lie. The four P's (a Palmer, a Pardoner, a Poticary, and a Pedlar) disputed as to which could tell…

Summer Movie Previews 2002

Many films that will actually be worth the price of admission by Beth Rowen Releases in: MayJuneJulyAugustRelated Links Top 25 Summer Films of All TimeAFI's 50 Greatest Screen LegendsMovie…

Literature & Authors

Subjects » Geography » History » Language Arts » Mathematics » Science » Social Studies Homework Skills Writing | Research Speaking & Listening Studying Reference Sources…