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Larry Rivers 2002 Deaths

Larry RiversAge: 78 experimental painter and sculptor who helped to define pop art. His works often parodied pieces by the old masters. His influential paintings include Washington Crossing…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The River

The RiverAnd I behold once more My old familiar haunts; here the blue river, The same blue wonder that my infant eye Admired, sage doubting whence the traveller came,— Whence brought his…

The River Merchants Wife: A Letter

The River Merchants Wife: A LetterWhile my hair was still cut straight across my forehead Played I about the front gate, pulling flowers. You came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse, You…

Grand Canyon River View

photos by Carol M. Highsmith Grand Canyon River View Previous Next >> Related Links How Old Is the Grand Canyon?Grand Canyon QuizGrand CanyonArizonaThe National Park…

Sara Teasedale: Rivers to the Sea

Rivers to the SeaBut what of her whose heart is troubled by it, The mother who would soothe and set him free, Fearing the song's storm-shaken ecstasy— Oh, as the moon that has no power to…

Aesop's Fables: The Rivers and the Sea

by Aesop The Gardener and His DogThe Lion In LoveThe Rivers and the Sea Once upon a time all the Rivers combined to protest against the action of the Sea in making their waters salt. "When…

Aesop's Fables: The Foxes and the River

by Aesop The MiserThe Horse and the StagThe Foxes and the River A number of Foxes assembled on the bank of a river and wanted to drink; but the current was so strong and the water looked…

The Seven Streams of the River Ota

Conceived by:Eric Bernier, Normand Bissonnette, Rebecca Blankenship, Marie Brassard, Anne-Marie Cadieux, Normand Daneau, Richard Frechette, Marie Gignac, Patrick Goyette, Ghislaine Vincent,…

Brewer's: Mysteries of Woods and Rivers

The art of hunting and fishing. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894MysteryMyrtle A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z…