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Heisman Memorial Trophy Winners

The Heisman Memorial Trophy is presented annually by the Downtown Athletic Club of New York City to the nation's outstanding college football…

NCAA Division I Single-Game Scoring Marks

Year PtsKevin Bradshaw, US Int'l vs. Loyola-CA 1991 72Pete Maravich, LSU vs. Alabama 1970 69Calvin Murphy, Niagara vs. Syracuse 1969 68Jay Handlan, Wash. & Lee vs. Furman 1951 66Pete…

Gator Bowl

(at Jacksonville, Fla.) 1953 Florida 14, Tulsa 13 1954 Texas Tech 35, Auburn 13 1955 Auburn 33, Baylor…

Gardner, John William

(Encyclopedia) Gardner, John William, 1912–2002, American public official, U.S. secretary of health, education, and welfare (1965–68), b. Los Angeles. After teaching psychology at Connecticut and Mt…

Madden, John Earl

(Encyclopedia) Madden, John Earl, 1936-2021, American football coach and broadcaster, b. Austin, Mn., Cal. Polytechic, San Luis Obispo (B.S., 1959; M.S…

Meiklejohn, Alexander

(Encyclopedia) Meiklejohn, AlexanderMeiklejohn, Alexandermĭkˈəljŏn [key], 1872–1964, American educator, b. Rochdale, England, grad. Brown Univ., 1893, Ph.D. Cornell, 1897. He taught philosophy at…

Layton, Irving

(Encyclopedia) Layton, Irving, 1912–2006, Canadian poet, b. Romania as Israel Lazarovitch. His family emigrated to Montreal when he was an infant. He attended Macdonald College (B.Sc., 1939) and…