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MIS Document Developer

Sabahat Iqbal Tell us about your work---what do you do? I am a Doc1 developer. That is a highly specialized role that, as far as I know, is specific only to my…

Brewer's: Amaimon

(3 syl.). One of the chief devils whose dominion is on the north side of the infernal gulf. He might be bound or restrained from doing hurt from the third hour till noon, and from the ninth…

Brewer's: Mulmutine Laws

The code of Dunvallo Mulmutius, sixteenth King of the Britons (about B.C. 400). This code was translated by Gildas from British into Latin, and by Alfred into Anglo-Saxon. These laws…

Brewer's: Drachenfels

(Dragon-rocks). So called from the legendary dragon killed there by Siegfried, the hero of the Nibelungen-Lied. The castled crag of Drachenfels Frowns o'er the wide and winding Rhine,…

Flatland: Concerning the Women

by Edwin A. Abbott Concerning the Inhabitants of FlatlandOf our Methods of Recognizing ...Concerning the Women If our highly pointed Triangles of the Soldier class are formidable, it may…

T – Z

telnet A way to communicate with a remote computer over a network. trackball trackball Input device that…

Louis V. Ledoux: The Only Way

The Only WayLouis V. LedouxIMemphis and Karnak, Luxor, Thebes, the Nile: Of these your letters told; and I who read Saw loom on dim horizons Egypt's dead In march across the desert, mile on…

QuickFacts FAQ

State and county Frequently Asked Questions What is QuickFacts? QuickFacts tables are summary profiles showing frequently requested data items from various Census Bureau programs. Profiles are…


  Louisiana State Information Capital: Baton Rouge Official Name: State of Louisiana Organized as a territory: April 30, 1803 Entered Union (rank): April 30, 1812 (18th state) Present…