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(Encyclopedia) Ballia Ballia bŭlˈyə [key], town, Uttar Pradesh state, N central India. Situated on a rich…


(Encyclopedia) taffeta, cloth, originally silk but now also made of synthetic fibers, supposed to have originated in Persia. The name, derived from Persian, means “twisted woven.” Taffeta is in the…


(Encyclopedia) Kildare, county (1991 pop. 122,656), 654 sq mi (1,694 sq km), E central Republic of Ireland. The county seat is Kildare. The region is a flat plain, containing the greater portion of…


(Encyclopedia) Arabah or ArabaArababoth: äˈräbä, ărˈəbə [key], depression, on the Israel-Jordan border, extending c.100 mi (160 km) from the Dead Sea S to the Gulf of Aqaba; part of the Great Rift…


(Encyclopedia) IsonzoIsonzoēzônˈtsō [key], river, 87 mi (140 km) long, rising in the Julian Alps, NW Slovenia, and flowing S through Slovenia, where it is known as the Soča, then SW through NE Italy…


(Encyclopedia) MonrealeMonrealemōnrāäˈlā [key], town (1991 pop. 26,256), NW Sicily, Italy, near Palermo. An agricultural market and tourist center, it commands a magnificent view of the fertile Conca…


(Encyclopedia) crevassecrevassekrəvăsˈ [key], large crack in the upper surface of a glacier, formed by tension acting upon the brittle ice. Transverse crevasses occur where the grade of the glacier…

Ciudad Real

(Encyclopedia) Ciudad Real Ciudad Real thy&oomacr;ᵺäᵺˈ rāälˈ [key], city, capital…

Amesbury, town, England

(Encyclopedia) AmesburyAmesburyāmzˈbərē [key], town, Wiltshire, S central England. Located on Salisbury plain, the town is among the oldest continuously settled locations in Great Britain. In 980 the…

Castellón de la Plana

(Encyclopedia) Castellón de la Plana Castellón de la Plana kästĕlyōnˈ dā lä pläˈnä […