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Brewer's: Quarter-days in England and Ireland:

(1) New Style: Lady Day (March 25th), Midsummer Day (June 24th), Michaelmas Day (September 29th), and Christmas Day (December 25th). (2) Old Style: Old Lady Day (April 6th), Old Midsummer…

Brewer's: Yule Log

A great log of wood laid in ancient times across the hearth-fire on Christmas Eve. This was done with certain ceremonies and much merry-making. (Norwegian, juul, Christmas.) Ever at…

Brewer's: Waits

Street musicians, who serenade the principal inhabitants at Christmas-time, especially on Christmas Eve. From Rymer's Faedra we learn it was the duty…

Orthodox Christian Holidays, 2010-2030

Top of Page The Orthodox Church is one of the oldest Christian denominations, with a rich history and tradition that spans many centuries and countries, from Russia and Greece to the Middle East and…

Dr. Seuss

The beloved author of more than 46 children's books by Borgna Brunner Related Links Dr. Seuss Quiz Seuss on Broadway Grinchy Trivia Review: The Grinch Who Stole Christmas Tongue Twisters Children…

Walt Whitman: Good-Bye My Fancy

Good-Bye My FancySail out for Good, Eidolon Yacht!Lingering Last DropsGood-Bye My FancyOn, on the Same, Ye Jocund Twain!MY 71st YearApparitionsThe Pallid WreathAn Ended DayOld Age's Ship…

Brewer's: Distaff

A woman. Properly the staff from which the flax was drawn in spinning. The allusion is to the ancient custom of women, who spun from morning to night. (See Spinster.) “The crown of France…

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius

Author:Dave EggersPublisher:Simon & Schuster Taken at face value, the premise of A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius would lead one to assume that the "memoir" based on a true story…

December 2009 Current Events: U.S. News

World News | Business/Science News Here are the key events in United States news for the month of December 2009. Obama Sending More Troops to Afghanistan, Provides Timeline (Dec. 1): In a press…

Our Top 5 Stories for the Week of December 27, 2021

It’s been a busy week, from the notable deaths to severe weather advisories. Who has time to keep track of it all? That’s why we’ve boiled it all down to our top five stories of the week. Covid-19…