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(Encyclopedia) KikuyuKikuyukĭk&oomacr;ˈy&oomacr; [key], Bantu-speaking people, numbering about 6 million, forming the largest tribal group in Kenya. The Kikuyu live in the highlands NE of…


(Encyclopedia) kwashiorkorkwashiorkorkwăshˌēôrˈkôr [key], protein deficiency disorder of children. It is prevalent in overpopulated parts of the world where the diet consists mainly of starchy…

Johnston, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Johnston, Samuel, 1733–1816, political leader in the American Revolution, b. Dundee, Scotland. He emigrated as a child to North Carolina, where his uncle, Gabriel Johnston, was royal…

Balladur, Édouard

(Encyclopedia) Balladur, ÉdouardBalladur, Édouardādwärˈ bälädürˈ [key], 1929–, French political leader, b. Turkey. He moved to France as a child and grew up in Marseille. A Gaullist and member of the…

Baron, Salo Wittmayer

(Encyclopedia) Baron, Salo WittmayerBaron, Salo Wittmayersäˈlō vĭtˈmīər bärônˈ [key], 1895–1989, Jewish historian and educator, b. Galicia. He was taken as a child to Vienna, where he later studied…

Paganini, Niccolò

(Encyclopedia) Paganini, NiccolòPaganini, Niccolònēkōlōˈ pägänēˈnē [key], 1782–1840, Italian violinist, whose virtuosity became a legend. He extended the compass of the violin by his use of harmonics…

Aznavour, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Aznavour, Charles, 1924–2018, French singer, songwriter, and actor, b. Paris as Shahnourh Varinag Aznavourian. The son of ethnic Armenian refugees, he began performing while a child.…


(Encyclopedia) ConradinConradinkŏnˈrədĭn [key], 1252–68, duke of Swabia, titular king of Jerusalem and Sicily, the last legitimate Hohenstaufen, son of Holy Roman Emperor Conrad IV. While Conradin…

Cradle of Humankind

(Encyclopedia) Cradle of Humankind, extensive archaeological site, c.180 sq mi (470 sq km), encompassing dolomitic limestone caves containing numerous hominin fossils, Gauteng and North West prov.,…

Freud, Anna

(Encyclopedia) Freud, AnnaFreud, Annafroid [key], 1895–1982, British psychoanalyst, b. Vienna, Austria. Continuing the work of her father, Sigmund Freud, she was a pioneer in the psychoanalysis of…