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Our Top Stories for the Week of August 15, 2022

It’s been a busy week, from Coronavirus updates to environmental concerns. Who has time to keep track of it all? That’s why we’ve boiled it all down to our top stories of the week.   Worldwide…

Warren Harding (December 8, 1922)

MEMBERS OF THE CONGRESS: So many problems are calling for solution that a recital of all of them, in the face of the known limitations of a short session of Congress, would seem to lack sincerity…

Tipper Gore - Biography

Tipper Gore Making activism her career by David Johnson Tipper has been active in causes from violence in the media to homeless awareness. Related Links Vice President Al GoreCampaign…

Eloise in Moscow

More Impish Fun? "Oh definitely Da" by Holly Hartman "Weenie's coat was made of porcupine which was rawther sweet He got it especially for the trip They treated him like a dog…


AFCNoMichael McCrary, Sea.13.5Bruce Smith, Buf.13.5Chad Brown, Pit.13.0Michael Sinclair, Sea.13.0Derrick Thomas, KC13.0Alfred Williams, Den.13.0Trace Armstrong, Mia.12.0Willie McGinest, NE9.…

Weather: Big-City Snows

Big-City SnowsWeatherBlowing Cold and Hot: The Big OnesWinter Gone SouthBig-City SnowsStorm of the Century?The Greatest One of AllModern Winter of Deep SnowsGalveston Storm SurgeThe Great New England…

Entertainment News from November 2001

2Pixar's Monster's, Inc. opens to rave reviews and a blockbuster box office, taking in a record $63.5 million in its first weekend of release. 4After two postponements in the wake of the Sept. 11…