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Displaying 231 - 240

To the Great Falls of the Missouri

Chapter 9 Chapter 11 To the Great Falls of the Missouri Next day, June 8, the Lewis party returned to the main body of the expedition. They reported that timber was scarce along…

The End of a Long Journey

Chapter 25 The End of a Long Journey The reunited party now set out for the lower river and proceeded rapidly down-stream, favored with a good wind. They made eighty-six miles…

Lewis & Clark: The End of a Long Journey

by NoahBrooks Adventures on the YellowstoneIndexThe End of a Long Journey The reunited party now set out for the lower river and proceeded rapidly down-stream,…

At the Sources of the Missouri

Chapter 11 Chapter 13 At the Sources of the Missouri The explorers were now (in the last days of July, 1805) at the head of the principal sources of the great Missouri River, in…

Beginning a Long Journey

Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Beginning a Long Journey In 1803, availing himself of a plausible pretext to send out an exploring expedition, President Jefferson asked Congress to…

Lewis & Clark: Beginning a Long Journey

by NoahBrooks A Great Transaction in LandFrom the Lower to the Upper RiverBeginning a Long Journey In 1803, availing himself of a plausible pretext to send out an…

Across the Great Divide

Chapter 13 Chapter 15 Across the Great Divide Captain Clark had now left the water-shed of the Missouri behind him, and was pressing on, over a broken, hilly country, to the…