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Kidd, William

(Encyclopedia) Kidd, William, 1645?–1701, British privateer and pirate, known as Captain Kidd. He went to sea in his youth and later settled in New York, where he married and owned property. In 1691…

Rodgers, Christopher Raymond Perry

(Encyclopedia) Rodgers, Christopher Raymond Perry, 1819–92, American naval officer, b. Brooklyn, N.Y. Appointed midshipman in 1833, he served in the Mexican War. In the Civil War he took part in the…

James, Thomas, English navigator and explorer

(Encyclopedia) James, Thomas, 1593?–1635?, English navigator and explorer (1631) of James Bay. Financed by Bristol merchants, he sailed in command of the Henrietta Maria in the spring of 1631 to find…


(Encyclopedia) PhicholPhicholfīˈkŏl [key], chief captain of Abimelech's army.


(Encyclopedia) AmasiahAmasiahămˌəsīˈə [key], in the Bible, captain in Jehoshaphat's army.


(Encyclopedia) TanhumethTanhumethtănhy&oomacr;ˈməth [key], in the Bible, father of the captain Seraiah.


(Encyclopedia) NaamanNaamannāˈəmən [key]. In the Bible, Syrian captain whom Elisha cured miraculously of leprosy.


(Encyclopedia) IrijahIrijahīrīˈjə [key], in the Bible, captain who detained Jeremiah on a false accusation in Jerusalem.


(Encyclopedia) NeariahNeariahnēˌərīˈə [key], in the Bible. 1 One of David's line. 2 Son of Ishi, a Simeonite captain.