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Girard, Stephen

(Encyclopedia) Girard, StephenGirard, Stephenjĭrärdˈ [key], 1750–1831, American merchant, banker, and philanthropist, b. Bordeaux, France. Girard went to sea and at the age of 23 was a captain. In…

Beckham, David

(Encyclopedia) Beckham, David (David Robert Joseph Beckham), 1975–, English soccer player known especially for the power and accuracy of his free kicks. After beginning to play on the Manchester…

Whitby, town, England

(Encyclopedia) Whitby, town, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, N England, at the mouth of the Esk. It is a port and resort whose primary industries are fishing and tourism. Jet is found locally, and…

Semmes, Raphael

(Encyclopedia) Semmes, RaphaelSemmes, Raphaelsĕmz [key], 1809–77, American naval officer, b. Charles co., Md. He took part in the Mexican War, practiced law at Mobile, Ala., and was in the Lighthouse…


(Encyclopedia) schipperkeschipperkeskĭpˈərkē [key], a breed of small nonsporting dog developed in Belgium several hundred years ago. It stands about 13 in. (33 cm) high at the shoulder and weighs…

Lewis, Meriwether

(Encyclopedia) Lewis, Meriwether, 1774–1809, American explorer, one of the leaders of the Lewis and Clark expedition, b. near Charlottesville, Va. He was a captain in the army and served in a number…

Ashdown, Paddy

(Encyclopedia) Ashdown, Paddy (Jeremy John Durham Ashdown, Baron Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon), 1941–2018, British political leader and diplomat, b. New Delhi, British India, where his father was an…

McClure, Sir Robert John Le Mesurier

(Encyclopedia) McClure, Sir Robert John Le Mesurier, 1807–73, British arctic explorer. He entered the navy and in 1848 accompanied Sir James Clark Ross to the arctic. As a naval captain he was given…

Picquart, Georges

(Encyclopedia) Picquart, GeorgesPicquart, Georgeszhôrzh pēkärˈ [key], 1854–1914, French general. As chief of the army intelligence section in 1896, he discovered that the memorandum that had been…