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(Encyclopedia) latitude, angular distance of any point on the surface of the earth north or south of the equator. The equator is latitude 0°, and the North Pole and South Pole are latitudes 90°N and…

Liu Xiaobo

(Encyclopedia) Liu XiaoboLiu Xiaoboly&oomacr; shoubō [key], 1955–2017, Chinese literary critic, poet, and political and human-rights activist, b. Changchun, grad. Jilin Univ. (B.A., 1982),…

cobalt, chemical element

(Encyclopedia) cobalt, metallic chemical element; symbol Co; at. no. 27; at. wt. 58.9332; m.p. 1,495℃; b.p. about 2,870℃; sp. gr. 8.9 at 20℃; valence +2 or +3. Cobalt is a silver-white, lustrous,…

Major Air Pollutants

Air pollution is a real public health and environmental problem that can lead to-among other things-global warming, acid rain, and the deterioration of the ozone layer. This chart names some common…

Astrological Signs

Ancient Greek Star Signs The Zodiac refers to a region of the sky visible around the Earth at eight degrees North or South of the sun's visible orbit (called the ecliptic). This is based on the…

Anatomy and
Physiology: Drainage System

Drainage SystemAnatomy and PhysiologyCardiovascular and Lymphatic CirculationVessels To and FroHere, There, EverywhereGoing Their Separate WaysOh, the Pressure!Drainage System As you saw in The…

2001 National Medal of Science Recipients

Andreas Acrivos, Albert Einstein Professor of Science and Engineering, City College of the City University of New York, for his pioneering research in fluid mechanics and leadership in the…

Brewer's: Cancel

to blot out, is merely “to make lattice-work.” This is done by making a cross over the part to be omitted. (Latin, cancello, to make trellis.) (See Cross It Out .) Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Candaules

(3 syl.). King of Lydia, who exposed the charms of his wife to Gy'gës; whereupon the queen compelled Gyges to assassinate her husband, after which she married the murderer, who became king…

2000-01 Season Recap for the Tour de France

Thrice as Nice Is there anything left for this man to do? Simply put, no conversation about the most amazing accomplishments in sports history is complete without a discussion of Lance Armstrong…