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Baltimore, David

(Encyclopedia) Baltimore, DavidBaltimore, Davidbôlˈtĭmôr [key], 1938–, American microbiologist, b. New York City, Ph.D. Rockefeller Univ., 1964. He conducted (1965–68) virology research at the Salk…


(Encyclopedia) clinic, name for an institution providing medical diagnosis and treatment for ambulatory patients. The forerunner of the modern clinic was the dispensary, which dispensed free drugs…


(Encyclopedia) defoliant, any one of several chemical compounds that, when applied to plants, can alter their metabolism, causing the leaves to drop off. In agriculture defoliants are used to…

Armstrong, Lance

(Encyclopedia) Armstrong, Lance, 1971–, American cyclist, b. Dallas, Tex. He won (1991) the U.S. amateur cycling championship, turned professional (1992), and by the mid-1990s had won the Tour DuPont…

Price, Reynolds

(Encyclopedia) Price, Reynolds (Edward Reynolds Price), 1933–2011, American writer, b. Macon, N.C., grad. Duke Univ. (A.B., 1955), Oxford (B.Litt., 1958). He began teaching at Duke in 1958 and…


(Encyclopedia) solsticesolsticesŏlˈstĭs [key] [Lat.,=sun stands still], in astronomy, either of the two points on the ecliptic that lie midway between the equinoxes (separated from them by an angular…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Barberry, Berberis vulgaris barberrybarberrybärˈbĕrˌē [key], common name for the family Berberidaceae, and specifically for the spiny barberries (Berberis species). The family…

synchrotron radiation

(Encyclopedia) synchrotron radiation, in physics, electromagnetic radiation emitted by high-speed electrons spiraling along the lines of force of a magnetic field (see magnetism). Depending on the…


(Encyclopedia) menopausemenopausemĕnˈəpôz [key] or climactericclimactericklīmăkˈtərĭk, klīˌmăktĕrˈĭk [key], transitional phase in a woman's life when the ovaries stop releasing eggs, ovarian…

Chávez Frías, Hugo Rafael

(Encyclopedia) Chávez Frías, Hugo RafaelChávez Frías, Hugo Rafael&oomacr;ˈgō räfäĕlˈ chäˈvĕs frēˈäs [key], 1954–2013, Venezuelan political leader, president of Venezuela (1999–2013). Raised in…