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Brewer's: Brontes

(2 syl.). A blacksmith personified, one of the Cyclops. The name signifies Thunder. Not with such weight, to frame the forky brand, The ponderous hammer falls from Brontes' hand. Hoole:…

Brewer's: Lombard Fever

Laziness. Pawn-brokers are called Lombard brokers, because they retain the three golden balls of the Lombard money-changers; and lazy folk will pawn anything rather than settle down to…

Brewer's: Jonathan's

A noted coffee-house in Change Alley, described in the Tatler as the general mart of stock-jobbers. What is now called the Stock Exchange was called Jonathan's. “Yesterday the brokers and…

Brewer's: Spout

Up the spout. At the pawn-broker's. In allusion to the “spout” up which brokers send the articles ticketed. When redeemed they return down the spout—i.e. from the store-room to the shop. “…

2009 Year in Review - Honduras

Major World News Stories of 2009 Flag of Honduras Related Links Honduras Country Profile 2009 Year in Review 2009 News of the Nation 2009 People in the…

October 2009 Current Events: World News

U.S. News | Business/Science News Here are the key events in world news for the month of October 2009. Iran Sending Enriched Uranium to Russia (Oct. 1): In talks with U.S. and other major powers…

Andersen's Fairy Tales: The Old House

The BellThe Happy FamilyThe Old House In the street, up there, was an old, a very old house - it was almost three hundred years old, for that might be known by reading the great beam on…

Helmut Kohl, 2000 News

former German chancellor, resigned in Jan. as honorary chairman of Germany's Christian Democrat Party after admitting to having accepted more than $1 million in secret payments during the…

Yasir Arafat, 1998 News

Palestinian leader, and Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister, brokered a reluctant peace agreement in Maryland with the help of President Clinton and King Hussein of Jordan. The…

Harry B. Helmsley Biography

Harry B. HelmsleyAge: 87 billionaire New York real estate broker and investor. Died: Jan. 4, 1997.Franklin Heller1997 DeathsCamille Henry