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Shakespeare's Plays (table)

(Encyclopedia) Shakespeare's Plays(arranged by approximate date of composition) Play Approximate date of composition Date of first publication Sources Major characters Genre Henry VI, Part II…

Rulers of France since 987 (table)

(Encyclopedia) Rulers of France since 987(including dates of reign) The Capetians Hugh Capet, 987–96 Robert II (the Pious), son of Hugh Capet, 996–1031 Henry I, son of Robert II, 1031–60…


(Encyclopedia) alexandrinealexandrineălˌĭgzănˈdrēnˌ, –drīnˌ [key], in prosody, a line of 12 syllables (or 13 if the last syllable is unstressed). Its name probably derives from the fact that some…

Prime Ministers of Great Britain (table)

(Encyclopedia) Prime Ministers of Great Britain Prime Minister Party1 Dates in Office Sir Robert Walpole 1721–42 Earl of Wilmington 1742–43 Henry Pelham 1743–54 Duke of Newcastle 1754–56…


(Encyclopedia) Katla, volcano, 4,961 ft (1,512 m) high, SW Iceland. One of Iceland's most active volcanoes, it is partly buried under the Mýrdalsjökull glacier, which covers its eruptive vents. Katla…

Cummins, Albert Baird

(Encyclopedia) Cummins, Albert Baird, 1850–1926, U.S. Senator from Iowa (1909–26), b. Green co., Pa. He studied law in Chicago and in 1878 joined his brother in practice in Des Moines. As governor of…

Lynn Canal

(Encyclopedia) Lynn Canal, natural inlet, c.90 mi (145 km) long, 7–12 mi (11–19 km) wide, SE Alaska. It connects in the S with Chatham Strait and Stephens Passage and thrusts north between mountains…


(Encyclopedia) saprophytesaprophytesăpˈrəfītˌ [key], any plant that depends on dead plant or animal tissue for a source of nutrition and metabolic energy, e.g., most fungi (molds) and a few flowering…

Christ of the Andes

(Encyclopedia) Christ of the Andes, statue of Jesus commemorating a series of peace and boundary treaties between Argentina and Chile. Dedicated Mar. 13, 1904, it stands in Uspallata Pass, high in…


(Encyclopedia) CirceCircesûrˈsē [key], in Greek mythology, enchantress; daughter of Helios. She lived on an island, where she decoyed sailors and treacherously changed them into beasts. According to…