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Continental System

(Encyclopedia) Continental System, scheme of action adopted by Napoleon I in his economic warfare with England from 1806 to 1812. Economic warfare had been carried on before 1806, but the system…

George of Podebrad

(Encyclopedia) George of PodebradGeorge of Podebradpôdˈyĕbrät [key], 1420–71, king of Bohemia (1458–71). A Bohemian nobleman, he became leader of the Utraquists, or the moderate Hussites, in the wars…

Cato the Younger

(Encyclopedia) Cato the Younger or Cato of Utica, 95 b.c.–46 b.c., Roman statesman, whose full name was Marcus Porcius Cato; great-grandson of Cato the Elder. Reared by his uncle Marcus Livius Drusus…

Constellations (table)

(Encyclopedia) Constellations Constellation English name Position R.A. (hours) DEC. (degrees) Andromeda Andromeda (Chained Lady) 1 +43 Antlia Air Pump 10 −33 Apus Bird of Paradise 16 −75…

Ho Chi Minh

(Encyclopedia) Ho Chi MinhHo Chi Minhhô chē mĭn [key], 1890–1969, Vietnamese nationalist leader, president of North Vietnam (1954–69), and one of the most influential political leaders of the 20th…


(Encyclopedia) nicotine, C10H14N2, poisonous, pale yellow, oily liquid alkaloid with a pungent odor and an acrid taste. It turns brown on exposure to air. Nicotine, a naturally occurring constituent…

coal mining

(Encyclopedia) coal mining, physical extraction of coal resources to yield coal; also, the business of exploring for, developing, mining, and transporting coal in any form. Coal has been historically…


(Encyclopedia) flax, common name for members of the Linaceae, a family of annual herbs, especially members of the genus Linum, and for the fiber obtained from such plants. The flax of commerce (…


(Encyclopedia) mining, extraction of solid mineral resources from the earth. These resources include ores, which contain commercially valuable amounts of metals, such as iron and aluminum; precious…