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Brewer's: Flood

The almost universal tradition of the East respecting this catastrophe is that the waters were boiling hot. (See the Talmud, the Targums, the Koran, etc.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase…

Brewer's: Epsom Salts

A salt formerly obtained by boiling down the mineral water in the vicinity of Epsom, but now chemically prepared. It is the sulphate of magnesia. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable,…

Brewer's: Merry Men of Mey

An expanse of broken water which boils like a caldron in the southern side of the Stroma channel. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Merry MonarchMerry Men A…

Brewer's: Raw Lobster

(A). A policeman. Lobsters before they are boiled are a dark blue. A soldier dressed in scarlet is a lobster; a policeman, or sort of soldier, dressed in dark blue is a raw lobster. The…

Brewer's: Hvergelmer

A boiling cauldron in Niflheim, whence issues twelve poisonous springs, which generate ice, snow, wind, and rain. (Scandinavian mythology.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Bain Marie

A saucepan containing hot water into which a smaller saucepan is plunged, either to keep it hot, or that it may boil without burning. A glue pot is a good example. Mons. Bouillet says, “…

Brewer's: Silverside of Beef

(The). The upper side of a round, which not only shows the shining tissue uppermost, but, when carved cold has a silvery appearance. Generally boiled. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Asian Food Primer: Papua New Guinea Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia ChinaJapanKoreaMongoliaTibetPacific Region FijiHawaiiPapua New…

Asian Food Primer: Sri Lanka Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia ChinaJapanKoreaMongoliaTibetPacific Region FijiHawaiiPapua New…